Teacher Resources - Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California
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Teacher Resources

What could your students learn from the former head of the CIA? A Sudanese refugee? A diplomat from San Francisco’s consular corps? As part of the World Affairs Education Program, we offer Bay Area students rare opportunities to join in small, private group conversations with inspiring World Affairs speakers at our headquarters and in your classroom.

Join our youth-centered civic and leadership programs.

Meet the Speaker

It’s easier than ever for young people to make their voices heard, but to connect, learn, act and change the world for the better, they need more: knowledge and role models. World Affairs’ remarkable Meet the Speaker program can give them both. From climate action to ending poverty, global finance to digital access equity, consumer empowerment to nuclear non-proliferation—and much more—World Affairs enables students to put questions about timely, vital topics to experts who know their fields inside out.

As part of the World Affairs Education Program, we give students regular opportunities to join small, private group conversations with World Affairs speakers. Just think of what they could learn from a Nigerian asylee and activist, the speechwriter for former President Barack Obama, or Fiona Hill, foreign policy expert on Russia and Ukraine, to name a few.

To get a taste of the top-notch programs we offer, you can view previous events here.

These events usually take place monthly, so if you’re interested in getting invitations to these exciting events, please fill out a contact form.

Diplomats in the Classroom

Young people seldom get the chance to ask questions of people who live and breathe foreign policy, but World Affairs makes this possible with its Diplomats in the Classroom program.

Representatives from the many consulates in the Bay Area schedule regular visits to local high schools to talk about their country’s relationship with the U.S. during a dedicated class period and take part in informal Q&A sessions. Your students will get close-up looks at what makes the wheels of diplomacy go round and current events will come alive.

Note: the Diplomats in the Classroom program is currently on pause as we work to enhance our resources for educators. Please check back soon.

Support our Education Fund

Invest in the next generation of socially conscious entrepreneurs and leaders. Make a tax-deductible gift to World Affairs' Education Program today.