After APEC: What's China's Role in California's Green Transition? - Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California
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After APEC: What’s China’s Role in California’s Green Transition?

Against the backdrop of the 2023 APEC Leaders Week Summit in San Francisco and tense national geopolitics, hear about what’s next for collaboration and competition between California and China as we surge toward a green energy future.

November 15, 2023

5:30 PM—7:30 PM

Taube Auditorium, The Commonwealth Club 110 The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94105

World Affairs & UC San Diego 21st Century China Center

As government officials, diplomats and business leaders from across the Asia-Pacific converge in San Francisco for APEC 2023 Leaders Week, the question on everyone’s lips is: what next for the US-China relationship? Amid the climate crisis, which necessitates urgent energy transition, how do the two largest economies work together against the backdrop of geopolitical tension? Where does California—the world’s fifth largest economy, a green energy leader and oriented towards Asia across the Pacific—fit in?

Governor Newsom’s October trip to China underscored the critical relationship between the Golden State and China. California has many trade, technology development, and business relationships with China related to clean energy. At the same time, the US is broadly looking to reduce reliance on China for products, talent and innovations through many policy incentives for local content and domestic manufacturing and broader policy efforts. How will this trend of localization play out in California and what does this mean for California to meet its ambitious climate and clean energy targets?

As APEC dialogues unfold, join us to analyze the degree of linkages between China and California in low-carbon energy and the implications for policy at the state, federal and multilateral levels.

Member login is not required for this program. Limited ‘Early Registration’ tickets are complimentary with a suggested donation during checkout. ‘Standard registration’ is $15 for members of either World Affairs or Commonwealth Club and $20 for non-members. Guests of UC San Diego should use their code during checkout for discounted tickets.

5:30 PM – Pre-program drinks reception
6:00 PM – Panel dialogue starts
7:30 PM – Program ends


Michael Davidson, Assistant Professor in the School of Global Policy and Strategy and the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego

Francis Girardot, Sr. Communications Director, RIDE (Real Innovation Delivered with Excellence)

David Hochschild, Chair of the California Energy Commission

Nan Zhou, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Additional speakers to be confirmed

Co-presented by UC San Diego’s 21st Century China Center & Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California with support from the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program, which is generously funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Catch up on context, perspectives and stories related to APEC and US-China relations with key World Affairs past programs that go beyond the headlines:

Ambassador Katherine Tai: Buy Local, Trade Global? (Even with China…)
Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Leading the EV Charge at APEC
State Department’s Matt Murray on Trade with Asia, and US-China Relations
21 Economies Walk Into a Conference Room